If you’re interested in purchasing one of my books, please email me and I will get in touch with you with the details.


The long road home

The Long Road Home

Published: 2024

Edition 50

2 sections 

28 pages & 24 pages | 27 x 17,9


Something is wrong, really wrong. We live on our little planet, the planet called earth. It is our home. It is the basis of our existence, the basis of life. Without it, we are lost. Completely. And somehow, we don’t seem to understand that.

My most recent publication ‘The Long Road Home’ is a combination of a photo-book and a scientific paper (I am trained as an environmental scientist). The Long Road Home is designed as a zine en comprises of two separate parts. The first parts is the scientific paper, explaining how we got where we are now, both from an environmental perspective as from a psychological perspective. The second part is the visual representation of my personal thoughts and emotions linked to the first part, picturing the evolution since the big bang to somewhere in the unknown future.



Published: 2022

Edition: 70

36 pages | 34,6 x 23,4

€ 30,-


How will life look like in 50 years? Or in 100 years? Dark clouds gather over our society, showing us the need to act. But, are we brave enough to see this? Do we have the courage to think about our world and to think about what needs to do be done to keep it liveable? So far, clear signals haven’t led to changes, but aimlessly bounce off in the void. Déjà Vu. Déjà Entendu. What world are we entering? Do we know the world we are living in right now? ECHO is the rendition of my fear regarding the future of the world; of what we can expect if we were to continue down this road. Will we still have a place to call ‘home’ in the future?



Words: Gerardo Insua Teijeiro | Images: Roald Wolters

Published: 2021

Edition: 35

38 pages | 22,3 x 14,7

€ 22,50


There is a difference between loneliness and being alone. While being alone can be a much needed situation for personal well-being (at least speaking for myself), (ongoing) loneliness has severe mental and even physical impacts. As a social species, humans rely on a safe, secure social surround to survive and thrive. But not all social surroundings seem to be sufficient. It is not uncommon that I experience loneliness while being in busy crowds. Being yourself can be lonely.



If you’re interested in purchasing one of my books, please email me and I will get in touch with you with the details.