



Upcoming Exhibitions and live events


13-15 September 2024, Lens & Canvas | Grey Space in the Middle, Paviljoensgracht 20, The Hague


2-6 October 2024, Art The HagueFokker Terminal, Binckhorstlaan 249, The Hague


Pasts Exhibitions and live events


June 2024 – EM Gallery | Witte de Withstraat 2, Amsterdam

May 2024 – ballonrouge | Zaagmolendrift 24, Rotterdam

October 2023 – Art The Hague

June-July 2023 – KV02, The Hague

April 2022 – Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam

December 2022 – Loods 6, Amsterdam

April 2022 – Huis van de Fotografie, Rotterdam