Lens & Canvas

Lens & Canvas

I will show my work at Lens & Canvas in the Hague from Friday 13 September to Sunday 15 September. The core of my contribution to this event is (upon multiple requests to show it again) my video installation ECHO. I will also show some new screen-prints from my ongoing project ‘Matter’. I will give some more information on this project in the near future.

Sunday morning at 11:30, I will give an artist talk about my work. Everybody is welcome to visit this talk (and of course to come and see the work al all the other artists as well.

13-15 September 2024

Grey Space in the Middle
Paviljoensgracht 20-24
2512 BP Den Haag

Grand opening Friday 13 September 17:00
Friday 15:00 – 19:00
Saturday 11:00 – 19:00
Sunday 11:00 – 17:00
Free entry

My Artist-talk, Sunday 11:30

Lens & Canvas