Is mankind suicidal? is the title of an article by the American biologist and writer Edward O. Wilson in the NY Times from June 20, 1993 (see the article here). It’s a question a’m struggling with long before I knew Wilson’s article.

Do I have an answer? No, I’m ambiguois. I don’t believe we, as mankind, choose to be self-destructive. But I do think we are suicidal by negligence. Mankind is fully responsible for its own development. For its survival, its prosperity and above all its well-being. Or lack thereof. Greed and lust for power hinder the elevation of humanity; it leads to enrichment of a few at the expense of the rest of the world.

The four horsemen of the Apocalyps are still among us. Or actually, we are the horsemen. They are the embodiment of the big problems of the world, all self-induced. Conquest, riding his white horse, spreading pestilence by polluting the earth (water, air, soil) and enjoying our unbridled use of chemicals. War, riding his red horse, creating conflicts between people as an instrument to gather power and wealth. Famine, the merchant on his black horse, finds satisfaction in an ever increasing unjust distribution of resources. And ultimately … Death … riding his pale horse, realizing he’s an unavoidable aspect of life, but knowing he can come unnecessarily early if we wish.

All these problems are caused by us, humans. Many believe nature can save us. However, this is only true if we help nature. So far we proved to be only marginally able to do do so. Without change we will cause our own downfall.
